!Saturday, March 31, 2007
woot~~ blogskin finally changed after few months~~ ^^
dance with me ;
- 5:34 AM
!Sunday, March 25, 2007
Juz finish "cheng beng", this year workload is little compare to the few years ago. Juz pluck some grass, clear some soil, add some "yellow paper", pay and wait... Then move to another grave and so and so~~
[To b3 c0nT1nu3...]
dance with me ;
- 11:04 AM
woot, juz wake up from sleep for like 3 hrs onli T.T damn yesterday nitez when for a cultural night until 10 then go out eat wit frenz until 12, reach home and sleep at 12.30, now 5+ wake up prepare for later go "cheng beng"~~
but the cultural night last night was great! all performers done their job right, the most impressive is the kids, like almost pri sch students, they are good in dancing and 1 small item, THAT CRAB IS CUTE!! all others are ok, but the modern dance got the a lot pretty ladies in that, haha joking joking~~ is a pity i didnt take my camera thee, my sis havent return me 2 of its batteries, i ask for so long, T.T dont hv then "wei" or position in house liao T.T *Sob*
later 7 go "cheng beng" d, haiz from the early days i still remember, a the family members go, but now only, let me count, me, 2 of my uncle, my granny and my grandpa goin only, that onli 5 people goin ONLY where there usually 20++ goin in the past. HAIZ~~~
[T0 b3 c0nT1nu3...]
dance with me ;
- 5:25 AM
!Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Yippee yay!!! I'm in the dance team~~ Be4 tat i never thought of being in that team and u can say i forgot all about it until last Sunday when Mr Khai Beng call me and told me there's a rehersal in monday night. I was thinking, rehersal, he didn't mention anything about it, whats tat?? then when i arrived there, puff, dance training like the speed of bullet, 40 sec + of new and FAST (i do mean fast, the dance song is PCD, Wait a Minute) dance move in an hour, we all were like scratching heads at the beginning but getting well after that. Then when the rehersals done, he told us that we have to go fast coz we going to perform on 7th and 14th April in YMCA and USM. ^^ Although its hard, but at least i'm in the team!! WeeEEEeeEEE~~!!! XDD
[To b3 c0nT1nu3...]
dance with me ;
- 8:35 AM
!Sunday, March 18, 2007
i donno what with me these days, always get sleepless nights for a few days in a row, is i because of the college lab report or other stuff?? its not a new thing for me anyway, evey night i have to find a way to get me sleeping, sometimes from newspaper article, sometimes ....
ohya, been arranging my cellphone pictures here are them~~
Fireworks performance on 3 Mar this year~
My Bday present last year~
Me in my dad workshop~~Almost felt asleep XP
More other times ^^
[To b3 c0nT1nu3...]
dance with me ;
- 5:08 AM
!Monday, March 12, 2007
Recently, I found that some people in MSN started use the symbol and i thought that was juz a normal picture file that someone mode, but after i visited Sunny's Blog
I found that it's actually a symbol for charity, by typing that into the display name, every chat u hv contribute a little, as little become more and more, it can help a lot of needy people..
Below is the list of all the charities bodies
*red+u American Red Cross 美國紅十字會
*bgca Boys & Girls Club 兒童群益會
*naf National AIDS Fund 美國國家愛滋基金
*mssoc National Multiple Sclerosis Society 國家多發性硬化症學會
*9mil Ninemillion.org 國際兒童難民援助組織
*sierra Sierra Club 山巒協會(保護自然生態的)/地球環境協會
*help StopGlobalWarming.org 防止全球溫室效應惡化的機構
*komen Susan G. Komen for the Cure 乳癌基金會
*unicef The US fund for UNICEF 美國地區聯合國兒童基金會
*wwf World Wildlife Fund for Nature 世界自然基金會
*oxfam The Oxford Committee for Famine Relief 樂施會 (協助解決當時世界各地饑荒及貧窮問題)
*care 國際關懷協會
*hsus The Humane Society of the United States 美國人道協會
*acs American Cancer Society 美國癌症協會
*one ONE Campaign-全球消除貧困與對抗愛滋的組織(GCAP)
So please, add them to help others~~ ^^
[To b3 c0nT1nu3...]
dance with me ;
- 9:13 AM
!Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Argh~~~ My mind keep getting stuck these days, need to do and finish 5 lab reports in 4 weeks from now, only 2 are in progress other still in the pending list. 2 Programming - 1 half way to go, another 1 not even start yet, 2 circuits to build and troubleshoot, 1 simulation to do~~
Argh I'm going insane, always thinking of it, finding their solutions not matter what time in the day, sometimes even when i wake up in the middle of the night, the ideas of the solution suddenly come, then it will be a sleepless night that night, haizZZZzzZzzzZzz ~~~~
[T0 b3 c0nT1nu3...]
dance with me ;
- 7:44 AM
!Sunday, March 04, 2007
i feel like so boring, everyday is almost the same, college, home, college, home...
yesterday, i'm a driver AGAIN!! fetch my sis to a concert, watch it, and it is DAMN BORING~!! the onli entertaining about the whole show is the traditional performance and the fireworks, especially the fireworks, they are amazing~~ post the pict later, lazy to connect my phone to the computer.
Today, also breakfast, home, lunch, home, and audi~ 1 thing to share about is, my audi char finally lv12 d, it has been stuck at lv11 for decade~~
[To b3 c0nT1nu3...]
dance with me ;
- 6:06 PM