!Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Another holiday, today when out to visit a few temples around Penang, and something I havent done a few years oledi... My tears, it havent came out from my eyes since i donno when but i'm sure even some heart breaking event it also havent came out, this sure is something rare ^^"
[To b3 c0nT1nu3...]
dance with me ;
- 5:24 PM
!Monday, February 19, 2007
Yay~!! Back from my dad's hometown~~ Although its kinda boring there, but i still learn something new and have lots of good stuff to eat ^^
But the stuff i learn, usually ppl don't think its good, i learned how to play mahjong and i think i've juz pass the novice level XD It's another CNY that i won't forget ^^
[To b3 c0nT1nu3...]
dance with me ;
- 11:46 PM
!Thursday, February 15, 2007
ZZzzZ miserable day~~ Not only I dont do well in C&S test, the stupid electronic project ... I FINISH THE WHOLE THING D AND WHY NOW ONLY TELL ME THERE'S A NEW STANDARD TO READ THE !@#$%$%#!@#! REPORT~~~!!!! GezzZz~~
But CNY comin~~ Hope its goin to be nice this year~~
[T0 b3 c0nT1nue...]
dance with me ;
- 10:07 PM
!Sunday, February 04, 2007
Tonite, met some interesting ppl in audition, Panadot, kumori, Flower95, and etc. especially Flower95, haha, almost like my "mortal" enemy, always cursing me and this and that, but its funny thinking about it.
Thanks for making my day interesting, I owe u 1, Si Flower95!! XDDDD
[To b3 c0nT1nu3...]
dance with me ;
- 10:58 PM
!Saturday, February 03, 2007
Got new clothes, hair and pants!! XDD
[T0 b3 c0nT1nu3...]
dance with me ;
- 3:14 PM
!Thursday, February 01, 2007
Woot, juz finished "attacking" the shoplets in QueensBay with 500+ worth of goodies, in 5 hrs, in average I spent 100 in each hour =.=" Now I have a dozen of clothes and pants, jeans... and blabla.. I also finally get extra accesories, hand-band ^^ apart from the necklace I get from KL in Oct...
[To b3 c0nT1nu3...]
dance with me ;
- 6:19 PM